centurychat olympic games

by syc@more jorden

To celebrate the commencement of the 1998 Winter Olympics, it’s time to recognize the chat room Olympics we see going on everyday.

Feel free to cheer on our contestants, but be warned they may threaten to ban you, send you a virus, or some other immature computer hacker revenge.

Event One -- Relationships:

The object of this event is to try to go through as many partners as possible. Extra points are given for breaking up another couple OR swapping partners with another contestant. Any contestants who fail to make their URL a proclamation of love will be disqualified. If you break more than 12 hearts a month you are being called a cyber-slut by your fellow chatters behind your back, so don’t say you weren’t warned.

Event Two -- Best Stats:

Past winners of this event were blonde haired and blue eyed, with such diverse hobbies as karate, rollerblading, working at local soup kitchens and lobbying for world peace. Extra points are given for the number of times a contestant asks others their stats, as well as adding emotion to their statement of stats, like the popular *giggle*

Event Three -- Complain

Be sure to note how many times a contestant says hello and gets no answer. Competitors are judged on how many times the use Caps Lock, how many times they threaten to leave and, in general, how well he or she complains. Competitors will be automatically disqualified if they actually initiate, or get involved in another conversation on their own.

Event Four -- Create Cliques

Perhaps the greatest event of the Chat Olympics is the forming of Internet cliques. Cliques are given a group mark and judged on how long their clique remains, how many new chatters they ignore, and how long they can stay in the chatroom for. Bonus points may be awarded for using the message board to grieve for the “old days” and excluding other chatters because they offended one member of the clique.

Please enjoy the events, and help celebrate the 1998 Winter Olympics with your own participation

Hey drop me a line here:student186@hotmail.com

syc@more jorden